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The Technique


A Qhht session is compromised of 3 parts.


1) Firstly, there is an in-depth discussion between practitioner and client. We start at or before the beginning of your childhood and work our way through to the present day discussing things like family/relationships, things that have effected or influenced your life, your health, fears/phobias and much more. 

This part takes as long as it needs to and is never rushed.

It is important for the quality of the regression to be as open and honest as possible. 

The reason for this discussion is that it gives the practitioner an idea of the things that are significant to you and even more importantly to know that if something comes up in the regression that correlates with a topic or person previously discussed, it needs to be fully explored and not rushed passed.

At the end of our discussion we will go through your list of questions and then prepare to start the regression. 


2) The regression is then done by guiding the client into a relaxed state, going deeper and deeper until we reach the theta level where the conscious (analytical-left side) can switch off and the subconscious (creative-right side) can come forward. 

Once this level of consciousness is reached, the higher self will take the client to the most appropriate time and place, more often than not a past life is chosen that closely connects to the problems or concerns that are forefront of the current life. (Sessions can also be arranged to go to a specific day in this life or to revisit a previously explored place or past life)

After the past life/other is explored, we will then ask to speak to the higher self directly to gain a greater insight to that chosen life before asking for permission to work through the clients list of questions, starting with any health concerns. Which usually results in direct answers and no nonsense advice, coupled with instantaneous healing of even the most severe health concerns *if it is part of the divine plan for healing to take place at that point in time.

Once the list of questions is complete, the session is brought to a close and the client is brought back up into a fully conscious state.


3) The recap.. there is usually a lot to talk about following a past life regression.

It is good to discuss these things while it is still fresh in the clients mind, as the practitioner often reminds the client of details that would otherwise be forgotten. 


4) Client Homework - listen back to the recording to get full insight into the experience and to gain additional healing to anything that was worked on by the higher self during the regression.


(Session times can vary, but are generally 5+ hrs) 

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