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Pre-session Tips

The first thing you should know is that Qhht is very easy to do.

You will be so deeply relaxed that you will go down to the required level of consciousness where the all knowing higher self can be accessed and will show you the things you need to be shown. 

There are a few tips that can assist you in having a great session.


Tip 1)  When you are asked a question.. try not to over think things. The very best thing to do is to always "Say the very first thing that comes to mind".


Tip 2) "Describe things in as much detail as possible" so that i may visualise what you are seeing and can then guide you to have the best experience possible. 


Tip 3) Talk, talk, talk.. the more you talk the more things will become clearer and the more you will see. 


Tip 4) Try not to question if your "under" or not.. If you hear any chatter in your mind that is the left side of the brain, the side we need to quiet for a little while. If you ignore it, it will generally get bored and go away. The best way to ignore it is to follow the flow of the questions and once again, say the very first thing that comes to mind.. even if you feel you are making it up, that's perfect as this information is coming in from the creative right side.. the side the higher self comes in from. 

*On the day of your session, do everything as you normally would. Have a coffee if you drink coffee.. just maybe a little less if you usually have a few.

Have a nice healthy breakfast to carry you through to the early afternoon.. you want to be comfy and not distracted by a grumbling tummy while we talk. Feel free to bring fruit or snacks if you are keen to eat something while we are doing the interview, as that can go for quite some time.


The 4 top tips explained in detail by veteran practitioner Suzanne Spooner



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