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Location of Session

My place or yours?


* It is a fundamental element of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, that sessions must be carried out in person.

Unfortunately that means I can not offer online sessions. Any practitioner who is offering Qhht distantly with online sessions, is not being true to the modality that was taught by Dolores Cannon and therefore can not claim it to be a true Quantum Healing Hypnosis session.

 If you do not have access to a local practitioner, there are other modalities that are adjusted to accommodate online sessions..

however Qhht is not one of them.



What is most important about the place we meet up to do the session is that you are comfortable there. 

I am more than happy to come to you if you would like to meet in the comfort of your own home, just as much as I will welcome you into my home if that is a better option for you.

The key requirements for the space is that it is private and peaceful. 

If you choose your place/other- There can be no one else in the home for the entire time that we are working together, for a few reasons.

* To ensure that you can speak as openly as you need to about your life.

* To maintain a calm, quiet environment for the regression to take place.

* To provide the practitioner a distraction free zone to focus solely on guiding you throughout your experience.

It would also be a bonus to avoid barking dogs, excited children and loud traffic and anything else of that nature if possible.

If you choose my place - I have a very calm and inviting house in Regents Park. Where I can guarantee there will be no distractions for the duration of our session. I have a space set up for the sole purpose of conducting Qhht sessions and have had great feedback about the comfort level and ambience that people feel while here.

The choice is yours and we will discuss this further when you book a session. 


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