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Dolores Cannon

The hypnosis chapter of Dolores's story began in the 60's, when her Navy serviceman husband was involved in a horrible, life threatening car accident. 

It was after his miraculous recovery that he found himself drawn to the practice of clinical hypnotherapy, which he soon turned into a suitable career. Dolores ever by his side inadvertently learned the ins and outs of hypnosis and they both thought of it as a very predictable science, right up until the day that changed her life and her way of thinking, forever!

After an everyday session that her husband was conducting, took a turn towards the unknown, with the female client starting to recount a past life! Dolores's fascination took over and from that day on she knew that there was more to life than most previously suspected. Her journey for answers had began and as she learned and practiced various forms of hypnosis, she ended up developing a technique of her own, quickly noticing that she was getting results unlike anything else seen in the hypnotherapy world. She was on to something.. something big!  The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique was born.

Over the next 30+yrs she devoted her life to helping people with issues caused by this life and the ones before it. Learning more about the human experience, universal energies, our cosmic neighbours, life as a whole and then of course the soul itself.. with every wayward stranger that she had the pleasure of meeting. 

Without Dolores, there would be no Qhht.

For Dolores's devoted students and loyal admirers, that would be an absolute tragedy.

The universal knowledge that has come forth from this amazing lady's work is utterly mind blowing. Humankind should be grateful that she had the insight to teach her technique to as many people as possible before she moved on from this plane. I am truly honoured to be one of the army of lightworkers that she left in her wake 🙏  

Dolores, what you accomplished during your most recent life here was revolutionary. 

From the inhabitants of the little blue planet.. and beyond 🌏  Thank you x

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