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Certified Level II Qhht Practitioner Brisbane, Australia

*Qhht ~ Dolores Cannon’s world renowned Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique



Hello & Welcome

If you have questions about your life, problems with your health or curiosities about the universe.. You have not come across my website by accident! You have been divinely guided here to take your first steps toward gaining insight and clarity into the things that keep your soul from feeling as "light" as it should.

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What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis?

Qhht is a modality of hypnosis that was developed by the late and great Dolores Cannon, using past life regression as a means to tap in and explore the history of our soul.

It is a technique in which the practitioner guides the client into the deepest state of relaxation so that the conscious mind quietens down and allows the subconscious to come forth and communicate. 

To understand what can be achieved under these circumstances, one must first know that the subconscious/the higher self/the over soul.. is the divine part of ourselves that is all knowing. 

It is the part of us that has been there and remembers it all, from life to life, planet to planet, species to species.

Our higher self knows everything about us, it knows the contracts we made on the spirit side before embarking on each life, as well as how the trials and traumas that our soul has endured, accumulates and can sometimes surface and cause issues in our current life/lives.

Whether they be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.. the higher self knows the root cause, past event or the karmic reasons responsible for the short comings in this life. 

See, so this is what makes Qhht so different.

By knowing the cause and effect on a soul level, we can then begin to work on healing these wounds no matter how deep or how old they may be. 

I am utterly in awe at some of the amazing things I have witnessed during my time as a practitioner.. and if you get the chance to get a session done, I believe that you will be also. 



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Qhht Gift Certificate

The gift that keeps giving.

*It is relevant to the success of Qhht, that the client personally "wants" a session.

Self healing and discovery cannot be forced.

This pre-purchase gift option would be ideal for those that have expressed they would like a session or have an interest in Qhht.


Lee, Bris

I am still coming to terms with my experience today. It gave me a lot to think about. 
Nicky thank you for being so welcoming and kind. There are no doubts that you are passionate about what you do.

InfiniteSoulConnections ~ Qhht

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